A catalyst for change serving as a guide or facilitator in each phase of the process making sure that each segment of the community is involved with identifying the problem and providing solutions.
A go-to organization that is not afraid to tackle issues that others are afraid to deal with.
A grassroots yet business minded organization that operates like a high end company in terms of being cost efficient and outcome oriented.
An organization that realizes that stakeholders come in all shapes, colors, genders, ages, and education levels throughout the community and beyond, realizing that everyone has unique gifts and services that can help improve society.
The purpose of the Maze was to challenge teens to graduate and obtain a career without getting caught by the many obstacles faced in life such as unplanned pregnancy or any situation that would slow the rate of high-school graduation.
Students participating in the Maze pulled scripts that dictated their hypothetical route in life. There were consequences for situations such texting while driving, alcohol and substance abuse. They interacted with real life professionals in law enforcement, health care services, and funeral home industries to discuss how bad decision making affects outcomes.
Unique Minds, Inc., planned, developed, and implemented the above regional project, identified community partners and stakeholders, developed scripts, conducted the trial runs, solicited in-kind support, designed program formats, identified sites, handled public relations and marketing.
Professionals role played situations with students. EMS, police officers, and firemen staged an accident using an actual car that was damaged in a real accident; teens saw the jaws of life in action.